Call to order.
Discussion: Site Plan for a regional corporate office development for TD Ameritrade consisting of an office building, totaling approximately 355,000 square feet of total floor area, and a structured parking garage located between State Highway 114 and West Kirkwood Boulevard on property described as being all of Lot 1R1R1, Block 1, Sabre Group Campus Addition and located at 1051 West Kirkwood Boulevard. 3. Meeting adjourned.
Call to order.
Discussion: Site Plan for a regional corporate office development for TD Ameritrade consisting of an office building, totaling approximately 355,000 square feet of total floor area, and a structured parking garage located between State Highway 114 and West Kirkwood Boulevard on property described as being all of Lot 1R1R1, Block 1, Sabre Group Campus Addition and located at 1051 West Kirkwood Boulevard. 3. Meeting adjourned.