1. Call to order 2. Consent A. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting held September 14, 2015 B. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members
3. Public Forum 4A. Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve
Southlake Tennis Center
Texas Amateur Athletic Federation Award
Recreation Programs
Recommendation on Standards of Care
Appoint a Park Board member to the 2035 Corridor Committee
Construction Management Report
6B. Parks & Recreation Update 7. Adjournment
1. Call to order 2. Consent A. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting held September 14, 2015 B. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members
3. Public Forum 4A. Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve
Southlake Tennis Center
Texas Amateur Athletic Federation Award
Recreation Programs
Recommendation on Standards of Care
Appoint a Park Board member to the 2035 Corridor Committee
Construction Management Report
6B. Parks & Recreation Update 7. Adjournment