1. Call to Order 2. Recognition of Parks Team
3. Consent A. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting held May 8,2017 B. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members 4. Public Forum
Consider A. Recommendation on the Tournament Policy
Discussion A. Parks & Recreation Update
WORK SESSION: 7. Discuss Amendments to the Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation, Open Space/Community Facilities Master Plan A. Review/Revise Concept Plans and Recommendations for Parks, Recreation & Open Space • McPherson Park • Skate Park 8. Adjournment
1. Call to Order 2. Recognition of Parks Team
3. Consent A. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting held May 8,2017 B. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members 4. Public Forum
Consider A. Recommendation on the Tournament Policy
Discussion A. Parks & Recreation Update
WORK SESSION: 7. Discuss Amendments to the Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation, Open Space/Community Facilities Master Plan A. Review/Revise Concept Plans and Recommendations for Parks, Recreation & Open Space • McPherson Park • Skate Park 8. Adjournment