1. Call to Order 2. Consent A. Approve minutes from the joint Southlake Parks Development Corporation and Parks and Recreation Board meeting held August 3, 2017 B. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting held August 14, 2017 C. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members
Public Forum
Discussion A. Athletic Associations Dashboard Reports B. Parks & Recreation Update
A. Recommendation on Facilities Utilization Agreement with Dragon Youth Baseball Association (formerly Southlake Baseball Association) B. Recommendation on Facilities Utilization Agreement with Southlake Girls Softball Association C. Recommendation on Facilities Utilization Agreement with Miracle League of Southlake
D. Recommendation on Southlake Parks Development Corporation Matching Funds Request from Carillon HOA for Construction of a Dumpster Enclosure E. Recommendation on Carillon Dumpster Enclosure Site Plan
F. Recommendation on North Park Wall Ball Court Site Plan 7. Adjournment
1. Call to Order 2. Consent A. Approve minutes from the joint Southlake Parks Development Corporation and Parks and Recreation Board meeting held August 3, 2017 B. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting held August 14, 2017 C. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members
Public Forum
Discussion A. Athletic Associations Dashboard Reports B. Parks & Recreation Update
A. Recommendation on Facilities Utilization Agreement with Dragon Youth Baseball Association (formerly Southlake Baseball Association) B. Recommendation on Facilities Utilization Agreement with Southlake Girls Softball Association C. Recommendation on Facilities Utilization Agreement with Miracle League of Southlake
D. Recommendation on Southlake Parks Development Corporation Matching Funds Request from Carillon HOA for Construction of a Dumpster Enclosure E. Recommendation on Carillon Dumpster Enclosure Site Plan
F. Recommendation on North Park Wall Ball Court Site Plan 7. Adjournment