Call to Order
A. TAAF Platinum Award Recognition B. TRAPS North Region Awards Recognition
A. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting held October 9, 2017 B. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members
Public Forum
Facilities Utilization Agreement request from Southlake Girls Lacrosse Association
Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve
Consider A. Recommendation on an alcohol variance at Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve for private rental events
Parks & Recreation Update
D. Southlake Tennis Center 7. Adjournment
Call to Order
A. TAAF Platinum Award Recognition B. TRAPS North Region Awards Recognition
A. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting held October 9, 2017 B. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members
Public Forum
Facilities Utilization Agreement request from Southlake Girls Lacrosse Association
Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve
Consider A. Recommendation on an alcohol variance at Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve for private rental events
Parks & Recreation Update
D. Southlake Tennis Center 7. Adjournment